Explicit teaching support and carefully constructed practice for Year 2, Term 1.
Little Learners Love Literacy® is an explicit and sequential literacy program that teaches ALL children to read, write and spell with confidence. Created from evidence-based research, this Teacher Activity Resource book provides explicit teaching support and carefully constructed practice for reading, spelling and writing in Year 2.

How do I use it?
The Teacher Activity Resource books provide explicit lesson plans and simple activities to ensure your teaching of reading and spelling is effective and targeted.

Use this TAR alongside the Fluency Fun books (as well as other Little Learners Stage 7 resources).
What's inside?
Little Learners Playbook - full scripts for each LLLL instructional routine.
Weekly Plans - breaking down the teaching sequence into a logical and cumulative lesson structure, including daily review, explicit teaching and practice.
Daily lesson notes - with prepared word lists, word chains, sentences and more.
Words of the Week - explicit teaching support for vocabulary and flashcards for inclusion on your classroom word wall.
Class Choral Reading - a four-part text with comprehension questions for use on days 1-4 every week.
Find, answer, write - independent practice activities to support comprehension of the Fluency Fun partner reading texts.
Ensure your teaching is effective and targeted by using the Teacher Activity Resource
book to:
- reduce planning time and create consistency between classrooms
- teach explicitly, following an ‘I do, we do, you do’ structure
- follow the key Little Learners routines with fidelity
- integrate key Little Learners resources such as decodable books and practice games into your daily teaching
- review students’ knowledge and skills based on what has been taught (daily, weekly or per stage).
Browse the Teacher Activity Resource range here.