Assessing spelling with the LLASS
The LLASS should be used to assess: 1 phoneme-grapheme knowledge 2 segmenting words to spell 3 morphologic knowledge 4 handwriting. The LLASS includes a hard copy and digital copy of the manual (including the spelling assessments, student answer sheets) and Student and Class tracking spreadsheet to record and analyse results.

The Little Learners Assessment of Spelling Skills (LLASS) is a diagnostic and formative spelling assessment designed to inform teaching and monitor student progress. The LLASS follows the Little Learners Love Literacy® sequence to reveal to what extent children are able to apply their phonologic and morphologic knowledge to spell with accuracy, and to identify any gaps in students' knowledge of phoneme-grapheme correspondences.

Like the LLARS, we recommend administering your first LLASS after explicitly teaching Stages 1-4. Spelling is a much harder skill to master than reading, which is a good reason to start assessing it alongside reading with no delay. The LLASS can be administered with half your class at a time. There are two tests to administer for each assessment – each should take 10-15 minutes. Need help with the LLASS? · Or contact us.