Little Learners Taster Events
Are you thinking about teaching Little Learners Love Literacy®? If so, you have probably registered for our free webinars, downloaded our brochures and viewed our blog. You may have even had a zoom with LLLL, but you may be wanting to talk to another school who has been through the implementation journey themselves. You might also be itching to see some teaching in action!
So this year we are offering a small number of 'taster events' in schools free of charge. Places are limited so please book below at your earliest convenience - the locations and dates are shown in the booking form.
Book a taster morningWhat to expect on the day:
You can expect an opportunity to see some teaching in a classroom, to hear about the school's experiences and to ask questions. Most taster sessions will run 8.30am - 11am.
The agenda might look like (but will vary from school-to-school):
25 mins - school presentation
20 mins - a briefing on today's lessons
40 mins - observing a prep classroom and a year 1 classroom
30 mins - reflections and Q&A
20mins - opportunity to look at resources and talk to staff from LLLL.

No event near you? Please click one of these links below to register your interest:
Request event in your areaVolunteer to host a taster event