Decodable Quizzes
A favourite at the Little Learners Love Literacy Hub – this reading game will generate lots of laughter in your classroom!
Students play these decodable quizzes with partners, but they can also be used in effectively in whole class instruction and 1-1 intervention settings. Each quiz provides engaging decoding practice and fluency development, but also focusses on oral language skills, vocabulary knowledge and writing.
The Wiz Kids Quiz
The Wiz Kids Quiz gives children practice reading
short decodable questions several times to build
sentence-level fluency.
The questions are fun and quirky and provide a
springboard for interesting discussions to develop
oral language skills and vocabulary.

How to Play
Tim's Quiz
Tim's Quiz is a card game for 2–6 players which gives children lots of practice decoding single words – it’s fast-paced phonics fun!

This unique and simple quiz derived from the Stage Plus 4 Pip and Tim book 'The Big Wind Day!' gives children practice reading short questions with decodable words. The questions are fun and quirky and provide a springboard for interesting discussions which develop oral language and vocabulary.
Example questions include: 'Did Goldilocks run from three possums? Do all kids like froth? Can a rock think?' Children answer yes or no and have to justify their answer – no matter how silly the question is!
Shop Tim's QuizRead an Independent Review